One family's journey to hear God's calling, overcome our fears, and be obedient to Him!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Adoption Update ~ Prayer Request

It has been 11 months since we started the adoption process on September 1, 2010. When we started we were told the average length of time for adoption in Haiti was 18 months, but that 10-12 months was possible.

There have been unfortunate delays along this journey. The minor delays with translation and legalization of our dossier last fall seem forever ago. In Haiti, unexpected delays are routine. Hurricane Tomas shut Haiti's government down for a couple of weeks last November. The Haiti Presidential Election brought Haiti's government, which at best operates in low gear, to a complete halt for the first several months of 2011. Haiti's government has recently blocked new President Micky Martelly's first and second choices for Prime Minister. It may be months before President Martelly has his cabinet in place. To my knowledge, President Martelly, who has been in office since May, has yet to sign a “Presidential Dispensation”. Dispensation is one of the crucial steps of adoption approval.

Our adoption file is in IBESR. Our file entered IBESR around June 5, 2011. Getting through IBESR is a big step. When our file went to IBESR we were told their process would take 2-10 months. Yes, 2-10 months. What kind of crazy range is that? Anyway, once we come out of IBESR, and have received Presidential Dispensation, we will somewhat be able to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

It has been almost a year, and we still have no idea when our girls might come home. I can tell you that all of this "not knowing" is really tough. Tougher than anyone could possibly imagine!


I ask for your prayers. Pray that IBESR will finish with our file today. Pray that Haiti's President, Mickey Martelly will sign our Dispensation today. Pray that we don’t experience any more delays with the adoption process, and that our girls come home in a blink. Pray that our girls come home so fast that only God can get the Glory!

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog while looking for info on presidential dispensations.

    We too are currently in IBESR and are awaiting a dispensation. I will keep your family in prayer!

